How to Make Group Meetings and Training Flow Easy

Whether it’s a meeting (big or small) or a training session, someone has to shape and guide the process of working together so that you meet your goals and accomplish what you have set out to do. The facilitator is the one who guides the process as the group moves through the agenda and meet those goals effectively.

If you want to do good planning, keep members involved, and create real leadership opportunities in your organization and skills in your members, you need facilitator skills. A good facilitator is not to give opinions or talk all the time, but to draw out opinions and ideas of the group members.

This workshop focus on developing facilitation skills that are useful beyond meetings: for planning; for “growing” new leaders; for resolving conflicts; and for keeping good communication in your organisation.


At the end of the programme, you will be able to:

  • Use tools and techniques to enhance current levels of facilitation skill
  • Manage and lead groups in training sessions or meetings effectively
  • Have practical experience of facilitating in a safe environment
  • Resolve conflict meaningfully whilst sustaining the facilitative process
  • Appreciate personal strengths and develop skills as a facilitator.

Get in touch to request more information.